About Us

Greetings, my name is Danielle Beard,
owner and founder of Increasing One, LLC.
Untapped potential was developed when
I began working for a small clothing store in Laurel.
I was so nervous that another employee
had to take me by the hand and help
me make my first sell.
I remember her words, "​See, that wasn't so bad."
I thought to myself, she's right!
Something that seemed so difficult and intimidating
was actually my gift. I gained confidence
and became top salesperson almost
every month. My selling ability and
the positive feedback from family and customers,
motivated me to start my own business.
Increasing One is truly a step of faith.
On February 27, 2012, Increasing One became a LLC. I started placing small orders,
going to different businesses
to sell, and setting up at festivals.
The journey is not always easy, but with my trust in God alone,
I am always able to rise above any circumstance I encounter.
I am a born again believer and I know
that God is with me.
My only competition is myself. I am not to compare myself to anyone else’s ability. God is holding me responsible for what He put on the inside of me and to bring it forth to be a blessing to others. 
People often ask me, "Why is your business called
Increasing One?"
The short answer comes from Psalms 115:14
"The Lord shall increase you more and more..."
hence the name Increasing One 
because GOD is the Increaser &
I am not Self Made!